I am so fortunate to be supported by such an incredible group of testers who ensure all our patterns are spic and span!

“Hey, I’m Julie, & I have crafted all my life. I was taught how to crochet at 16, & have crocheted on & off ever since. I do find as I’m getting older, I tackle harder projects – a good friend told me, it’s easy, don’t look at the end product, break it down in to manageable parts, & since doing that, I have become way more adventurous.”
Julie Davies
Tester since 2024

“Hi, I’m Chris, have crafted all my life. I love machine embroidery and knitting. I crocheted as a teenager, but have just gotten back into and am enjoying the journey.”
Chris Brewer
Tester since 2024

“I am from Saskatchewan, Canada. I was taught by my grandma how to crochet when i was 5. I have only just recently picked it up again after many years of raising my 5 kids and not having the time.”
Kristin Lain
Tester since 2024

“Hello! I’m Alison. My grandmother taught me to knit and crochet when I was about 6 yrs old, and they have been one of my creative outlets ever since!”
Alison Gilbert
Tester since 2024

“Hi, I’m Margie and I love knitting for my 3 great grand babies.”
Margie Ridgeway
Tester since 2024

“Hello! I am Hope. I taught myself to crochet at the age of 20 while on bed rest with my first child. My grandma tried to teach me when I was younger, but I’m left handed and she gave up in frustration. I live in Colorado, and crochet nightly. I’m always looking for a new project and am so happy to test any crochet patterns I can. I’d love to learn to knit, but have not quite gotten the hang of it yet”
Hope Schomp
Tester since 2024

“Hi I’m Yvonne. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was about 5, and I still am, almost half a century later. I live in SW Qld and crochet mostly at night while watching TV.”
Yvonne Bauer
Tester since 2024
If you are interested in joining our tester team, please fill out the form below.